Trying again!!

Second time at writing my blog. I need some will power and motivation, I have none and put on a lot more weight than I wanted to. My partner is happy with the way I look so makes me feel better. I was only a stone heavier than I wanted to be after my lastContinue reading “Trying again!!”

New Home, New Start šŸ 

Well not blogged for a while, I have moved house so been up and down.  Even though I have only moved from the bottom of the road to the top its still stressful but we did it, it’s not easy with 4 children lol we had to decorate the whole house before we moved inContinue reading “New Home, New Start šŸ ”

Need a change!Ā 

Hellooo,….  not got a clue what happened, I was losing weight I was feeling good I wasn’t drinking alcohol and then BOOM! I put on 5lb maybe more, I weighed in a week ago, and I have a little drink now and again which don’t help my weight loss. I don’t go gym or beenContinue reading “Need a change!Ā “

Yayy I lost!! šŸ¤—

I did well for my first week I lost 2lbs. Woop, it’s a start I worked out if I lose 2lb every week it will take 14 weeks to reach my goal I can do it so will see next week. My plan is to eat as much protein as I can eggs,  chickenšŸ—,  tuna,Continue reading “Yayy I lost!! šŸ¤—”

Stopping gym…. Ā For now!Ā 

Hey guys havnt blogged for a while, I am going to be stopping the gym until Iv lost abit of weight because I’m putting the muscle on instead of losing weight. Plus I go with a friend and as I don’t go on my own she can’t always make it so I don’t go.  IContinue reading “Stopping gym…. Ā For now!Ā “

A loss Woop! šŸ¤—Ā 

13 days ago I weighed myself and I was 11st 12lb so I had put on a pound in 3 weeks and I weighed myself again today and I have lost 3lb (woop)  so I am 11st 9lb now.  On my way to the gym today I checked my app and there was a classContinue reading “A loss Woop! šŸ¤—Ā “

Motivation and will power… Where are you?..Ā 

Iv only been to the gym once and I can’t seem to get motivated to go again.. šŸ™       My eating habits aren’t great I keep eating junk food,  my will power to do it has just gone and not sure why I have no get up and go.. It’s got up andContinue reading “Motivation and will power… Where are you?..Ā “